12 January 2009

Labour socks
Okay, so I need a simpler pattern to knit at the hospital and this one came to mind - the Toe-Up Jaywalkers. I've tried knitting them top-down before and got totally bored, but maybe it'll be more interesting this way.

I'm going to use some of this nice stripey Regia yarn
and give it a go.

The only thing is I haven't got a printer to hand, so I'm just praying that I copy out the pattern correctly.

Okay, so here goes...comments welcome!

EDIT 1: I've copied the pattern down, and I think I've pretty much exhausted Ravelry for help on what the hell I need to do to start this off. There must be easier ways to do this!

EDIT 2: Hmmm, missed out a rather important bit at the toe, have frogged sock and am starting again. Why does this happen to all my socks?

1 comment:

BeadBag said...

love the colourway!